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Multi Column ListBox - set output formats for each column?

  1. #1
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    Multi Column ListBox - set output formats for each column?

    I am using a custom built 2D variant array to populate a ListBox on a user form.
    One of the columns in the array stores Boolean data.
    However when I output the array to the InputBox, the boolean column data displays as -1.

    How do I set the format of the Boolean array column to show as TRUE/FALSE in the ListBox that is created?

    (On a minor related note, I have a column of integers which I want to display as currency $##,###. How do I do this?)

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  2. #2
    Forum Guru Norie's Avatar
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    Re: Multi Column ListBox - set output formats for each column?

    How are you currently displaying the values?

    For numeric formatting, eg currency, you might want to look at is the Format function.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Multi Column ListBox - set output formats for each column?

    Quote Originally Posted by Norie View Post
    How are you currently displaying the values?
    I don't quite understand. (Please have patience on a newbie!) I have a 2D variant array which populates the listbox. I assume the formatting is auto assigned somehow?

    Currently the 1st & 2nd columns display as strings (which is fine - they are individuals names).
    The 3rd column displays as currency (also fine - I only asked the 2nd question in the 1st post so I would know what to do if I did encounter this issue)
    The 4th column displays in the listbox as -1 values (which is not fine - it is a boolean array of TRUE/FALSE. I understand that -1 = FALSE but I want to display the word FALSE in this column for the end users benefit).

  4. #4
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: Multi Column ListBox - set output formats for each column?

    Hello mc84excel,

    Boolean values are stored as numbers. The words TRUE and FALSE are formatting options applied to the worksheet cells. Internally the values are still numbers. A Boolean false is False is universally a 0 (zero). A True in VBA is a -1 (negative one) by default but VBA recognizes any non zero value as True in a Boolean test.
    Leith Ross

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    Re: Multi Column ListBox - set output formats for each column?

    Quote Originally Posted by Leith Ross View Post
    Hello mc84excel,

    Boolean values are stored as numbers. The words TRUE and FALSE are formatting options applied to the worksheet cells. Internally the values are still numbers. A Boolean false is False is universally a 0 (zero). A True in VBA is a -1 (negative one) by default but VBA recognizes any non zero value as True in a Boolean test.
    Yes you are right re 0 and -1 (I had it the wrong way round )

    I am puzzled though. If I go to local window and check the array, it displays the values as TRUE & FALSE. It is only when the array is populating the ListBox that I get the values appear as -1 and 0.

    So to solve my question - do you know how I can alter the display format of the 4th column in a listbox?

  6. #6
    Forum Guru Norie's Avatar
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    Re: Multi Column ListBox - set output formats for each column?

    How are you populating the combobox from the array?

    Are you using List or are you looping through the array and using AddItem?

  7. #7
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    Re: Multi Column ListBox - set output formats for each column?

    Quote Originally Posted by Norie View Post
    How are you populating the combobox from the array?

    Are you using List or are you looping through the array and using AddItem?
    By .List.

    So how do I assign the formats for each column in the ListBox?
    Last edited by mc84excel; 05-28-2013 at 10:50 PM. Reason: clarify

  8. #8
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    Re: Multi Column ListBox - set output formats for each column?

    So is it impossible to set each column of the combo box to a different format?

  9. #9
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    Re: Multi Column ListBox - set output formats for each column?

    Marking this thread as solved as I consider it impossible. The listbox displays in the format that is passed to it. This can be bypassed by looping through your array and altering the formats before passing to your listbox/combobox (e.g. I do this on an array of integers - I convert them to currency format before passing to listbox)

  10. #10
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    Re: Multi Column ListBox - set output formats for each column?

    Hello all,

    Try to use instead of cells(x,y).value pass cells(x,y).text and it will assume the formatting that you have in the sheets.

    I hope i was helpful

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