I have a UDF that has three inputs, the function works and calculates correctly. However, upon reopening the file, all I see are #value in all the cells that use this formula. If I double click the cell to edit it and just hit enter, the cell and only that cell updates correctly. If I then drag that cell over the rest of the cells using that function, they all update.

I then added application.volatile to the UDF and they all update after I double click and hit enter. However, once I change one of the referenced ranges, they all go back to #value until I double click on one of the cells and hit enter.

Function score(player1, hole, Optional player2 As String)
    Dim playDate As String
    Dim score1 As Integer
    Dim score2 As Integer
    Dim playerA, playerB As Range
    Call checkSub(player1)
    If player2 = "" Then
        score = 0
        Exit Function
    End If
    Call checkSub(player2)
    'Select Table =to players name
    Set playerA = Range(player1)
    Set playerB = Range(player2)
    playDate = ActiveSheet.Range("B2").Value
    score1 = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(playDate, playerA, 25 + hole)
    score2 = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(playDate, playerB, 25 + hole)
    If score1 < score2 Then
        score = 1
    ElseIf score1 = score2 Then
        score = 0.5
        score = 0
    End If
End Function

Sub checkSub(ByRef player)
    Dim subs As String
    subs = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(player, ActiveSheet.Range("A5:B17"), 2, False)

    If subs <> "" Then
        player = subs
    End If
End Sub