Please help me figure this out (see VBA code below). I'm trying to use VBA to insert a Word Art and have its position set to "move and size with cells", however it's not working. When I run the macro, I get runtime error, the item with the specified name wasn't found. What I am I doing wrong? There is probably an easy fix, I'm just new to this. Thanks in advance for your help.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Worksheets(1).Shapes.AddTextEffect _
PresetTextEffect:=msoTextEffect5, Text:="WordArt", _
FontName:="Calibri (Body)", FontSize:=26, _
FontBold:=msoTrue, FontItalic:=msoFalse, Left:=580, _

Sheets("Sheet1").Shapes("WordArt").Placement = xlMoveAndSize