
Refering previous thread,


'Select Case LBValue
'Case "data1"
'dataRng = "Namesdata1"
'Case "data2"
'dataRng = "Namesdata2"
'Case Else
'dataRng = "Namesdata1"
'End Select
dataRng = "Namesdata2"

If i change formula Namesdata1 to Namesdata2, the result value will be from data2 sheet. but if i change the sheet name from data1 to data2, to result still from same sheet, it seem changing sheet name doesn't effect the result. I try to find the range column of seach function in via developer-design mode and 'project explorer' & 'properties window' from window VB, but seem no range of column being set. so how do i want to search on different sheet and different column.