Hello. I am having a bit of a problem figuring something out. I guess this will take a macro to manage as there does not look to be a simpler option.

The situation:
I have a group of workbooks that are interconnected.
For example Supply.xlsm links to Use.xlsm and Use.xlsm links to Supply.xlsm, and so on and so forth. There are 10 files in the package. I cannot merge them all into one package due to sheer size of it (all files together take over 120 MB). in fact any attempts to merge resulted in such slowdown of work that it was not an option (whenever i do anything excel tries to recalculate the file, for 2 minutes, cant work with that).

The problem: The links work well when the filenames are static. However in this case there is a need for filenames to change. For examples sake we will say that on week 1 i need Supply 1.xlsm and on week 2 i need that file to be named Supply 2.xlsm. While the manual updating source location for all files is possible, that means updating 9 sources (and it recalculates too because the data in sources change) for 10 files, resulting in need of 90 manual source changes.

So i am wondering if there is any way to automate this change of links, like a macro that would automatically change those links to different filename?
I have tried the auto-replace option in the find menu. to change 110000 links (thats how many there are in one workbook alone) it took over 2 hours of processing time. And that can only work if all filename changes are identical, which it likely wont (in essence, i have to account for any changes without knowing them, which may be unrealistic, so a manual imput of a old/new filename is acceptable solution)