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Expand and remove parts of worksheet

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    Question Expand and remove parts of worksheet


    I'm an servicetechnician for a company in Norway, where we maintain and repair industrial machines (CNC).
    From time to time we have to check the geometry of the machines. This is done by using lasers, levels and etc.

    When using a level to check the machine, we plot this in to a sheet, where some formulas calculate different values and so on.
    The "problem" we have, is that no machine is alike, and we have to manually change the sheet everytime; Expanding the rows by copy-pasting, checking all formulas if they are correct and so on.
    So I was wondering if someone here was able to help me with this, as I have very little experience in this.

    Workbook is attached.

    Here is what I'm looking at doing:

    #1 (sheet 2 [Z1-Langs tabell]):

    When changing the value in E3 (Number of measuringpoints), I want the columns to expand or decrease.
    Originally it is set to 10. So if I want 20 points, I want it to expand to 20 rows without the need of changing all the formulas.
    (Note that Row 10 and 11 has either no formulas or a different formula than the others).

    #2 (sheet 2 [Z1-Langs tabell]):
    When changing the value in C3 (Measuring distance), i want the numbers in column B to change accordingly.

    #3 (sheet 3 [Z1-Tverstabell]):

    I also want the above changes to work with sheet 3.

    When and if this is possible, will the diagrams in sheet #1 and #4 update themself?
    If not, how can you do this?

    I hope there's someone that might be able to help me, so mine and the others at my firm gets a bit easier workday!

    Best regards
    Eirik Bjerkgaard / Beeps
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