Hi all,

I attach here an Excel file where I ask you help to do something.

As you can see, in column AO I have a series of numbers. What I would like to do, is a VBA code that could read that number, and if that number is the same that the row number: Ok, don't do nothing. If that number is different from the row number then, it should copy all values from the "green-number" row to the row where that number is. A little bit confused right?

An example:

Read AO46. The number read is 48. Then It should copy all values from row 48 to row 46.


Read AO47. The number read is 49. Then it should copy all values from row 49 to row 47.


Read AO48. The number read is 52. Then it should copy all values from row 52 to row 48.


And this until the end of the sheet. Can someone give me a help out?

Thank you all