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Need VBA Macro to run macro on worksheets that are specified by a range in the wksht

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  1. #1
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    Need VBA Macro to run macro on worksheets that are specified by a range in the wksht

    I am new to this forum. I am an advanced user in Excel 2007 and have a decent knowledge of VBA (but have much to learn!!!)

    I have a problem that I am trying to solve. I am working on a file where the number of sheets may change periodically. In addition, I have macros that run on some, but not all of the worksheets. The macros perform the identical operations on each worksheet. The problem is that I have to go to each worksheet and execute the macro button.

    My goal is to create one macro that reads a list of sheetnames ( for example from sheet1, range A1), and then runs the macros only on those worksheets. As mentioned above, the numbers of sheets may change periodically, so the macro needs to be flexible in that regard. Any idea on how to accomplish this?

    Best regards,


  2. #2
    Forum Expert JapanDave's Avatar
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    Re: Need VBA Macro to run macro on worksheets that are specified by a range in the wksht

    What decides what sheets the macros will run on?
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    Re: Need VBA Macro to run macro on worksheets that are specified by a range in the wksht

    There will be a range on one of the worksheets that contains a listing of the worksheets that the macro will run on. I would like to use a range name for this list.

  4. #4
    Forum Expert JapanDave's Avatar
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    Re: Need VBA Macro to run macro on worksheets that are specified by a range in the wksht

    Try this,

    Change the range to suit your workbook.

    Sub dave()
      Dim ws
      Dim cel
        For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
          Set cel = Range("A1:A10").Find(ws.Name)
            If Not cel Is Nothing Then
              'run your macro
            End If
        Next ws
    End Sub

  5. #5
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    Re: Need VBA Macro to run macro on worksheets that are specified by a range in the wksht

    Below is the macro as adapted with my file name and range name. I am getting a compile error message. Do I have something entered incorrectly?

    Sub ImportOCTActuals()

    Dim ws
    Dim cel
    For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
    Set cel = Range("CostCenterListing").Find(ws.File Parameters)
    If Not cel Is Nothing Then
    'run your macro
    End If
    Next ws

    End Sub

    Last edited by JohnPellerin; 05-31-2013 at 09:42 PM.

  6. #6
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: Need VBA Macro to run macro on worksheets that are specified by a range in the wksht

    Hi John and welcome to the forum,

    Try this for specific worksheets. See the attached for the example:
    Sub WhatSheet()
        MsgBox "You are on Sheet " & ActiveSheet.Name
    End Sub
    Sub WhatSheetsTest()
    Dim Shts As Variant
    Dim ShtCtr As Double
    Shts = Array("Sheet1", "SheetBob", "SheetFred", "Sheet5")
        For ShtCtr = 0 To UBound(Shts)
            Call WhatSheet
        Next ShtCtr
    End Sub
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    One test is worth a thousand opinions.
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  7. #7
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    Re: Need VBA Macro to run macro on worksheets that are specified by a range in the wksht

    I ran the WhatSheetsTest. if i understand the code correctly, I would have to define the sheet names in the VBA code specfically. I guess what I am ultimately looking to do is define the worksheets in a list in the actual spreadsheet. Is that possible?

  8. #8
    Forum Expert JapanDave's Avatar
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    Re: Need VBA Macro to run macro on worksheets that are specified by a range in the wksht

    Please wrap you code in code tags.

    Why are changing this

    Set cel = Range("CostCenterListing").Find(ws.File Parameters)
    That defeats the purpose of the code. Leave it as ws.name

    Try this,

    Sub ImportOCTActuals()
      Dim ws
      Dim cel
       For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
         Set cel = Range("CostCenterListing").Find(ws.Name)
          If Not cel Is Nothing Then
           'run your macro
          End If
    Next ws
    End Sub

  9. #9
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    Re: Need VBA Macro to run macro on worksheets that are specified by a range in the wksht

    Thank JapanDave. For some reason, it is not performing as I would like. I looks like it only performed the macro on the first worksheet that I defined in the list. I am interpretting the code a looking for every worksheets in the activeworkbook. I do not want to perform the macro in every workbook. I have a specific list of worksheet that I want to perform the macro on. This list is located in a worksheet named File_Parameters and in a named range titled CostCenterListing. I want the macro to get the names of the worksheets from the named range CostCenterListing. is that possible?

  10. #10
    Forum Expert JapanDave's Avatar
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    Re: Need VBA Macro to run macro on worksheets that are specified by a range in the wksht

    OK, what the code does is checks if the sheet name is in the Named range you specified, if it is it will run the macro, if not it won't run.

    Try this sample book and I have put a couple of sheet names in your named range. A msg will pop up. Now all you have to do is replace the msgbox with your code and adjust the named range to suit.
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    Re: Need VBA Macro to run macro on worksheets that are specified by a range in the wksht

    Thank you. I was unable to open the excel file as I am denied access to it. I am logged in however. Once the code above determines that the worksheet is in the worksheet name listing, does it select the worksheet or does my macro need to include some language to select active worksheet?

  12. #12
    Forum Expert JapanDave's Avatar
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    Re: Need VBA Macro to run macro on worksheets that are specified by a range in the wksht

    I don't know why you can't view the workbook?

    But, for you second question. No, just post the code that you are using to do what you want. My portion of the code will recognize if the sheet needs to have it run or not. BTW, the Sheet names in the named range "CostCenterListing" need to be exact matches and are case sensitive.

    See if you can access this workbook.
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  13. #13
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    Re: Need VBA Macro to run macro on worksheets that are specified by a range in the wksht

    What is weird is that the macro does perform, but only on the first sheet. And it looking like it repeats several times on that first sheet as opposed to looping to the next sheet in listing. i did check that the rangename is typed exactly in the code. Any ideas on what may be causing this?

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    Re: Need VBA Macro to run macro on worksheets that are specified by a range in the wksht

    The other weid thing that is happening is if I initiate the macro on a sheet that is not on the worksheet listing, the code gets interrupted. Hoever, if I start it on a worksheet that is in the worksheet listing it runs, but only for that worksheet and for multiple times on that worksheet.

  15. #15
    Forum Expert JapanDave's Avatar
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    Re: Need VBA Macro to run macro on worksheets that are specified by a range in the wksht

    What is the sheet name with the named range on it?

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    Re: Need VBA Macro to run macro on worksheets that are specified by a range in the wksht


  17. #17
    Forum Expert JapanDave's Avatar
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    Re: Need VBA Macro to run macro on worksheets that are specified by a range in the wksht

    Can you post a sample workbook?

  18. #18
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    Re: Need VBA Macro to run macro on worksheets that are specified by a range in the wksht

    Attached is a sample file that should illustrate what i am looking to do. The sheetnames are listed on the worksheet titled File_Parameters.
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  19. #19
    Forum Expert JapanDave's Avatar
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    Re: Need VBA Macro to run macro on worksheets that are specified by a range in the wksht

    OK give this a try.
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  20. #20
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    Re: Need VBA Macro to run macro on worksheets that are specified by a range in the wksht

    I tried the file you sent and it worked. However, I would like to be able to call out macro routines as illustrated below. I tried the macro below and it only performs the macro on the first sheet in the list (and only when I initiate the macro from that worksheet).

    Sub ImportOCTActuals()

    Dim ws
    Dim cel
    Application.ScreenUpdating = 0
    For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
    Set cel = Sheets("File_Parameters").Range("A38:A54").Find(ws.Name)
    If Not cel Is Nothing Then
    'run your macro
    With ws

    End With
    End If

    Next ws

    Application.ScreenUpdating = 1

    End Sub

  21. #21
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    Re: Need VBA Macro to run macro on worksheets that are specified by a range in the wksht

    ThI thought more about what I am trying to accomplish. I think if I had a VBA macro that can select select specific worksheets based upon a list of worksheets in an excel sheet. Once it selects a sheet, then it will call a macro to run on that specific sheet. The macro would select one worksheet at a time and move to the next worksheet in the listing upon completing the called macro.

    Does anyone have any ideas how to accomplish this?

  22. #22
    Forum Expert JapanDave's Avatar
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    Re: Need VBA Macro to run macro on worksheets that are specified by a range in the wksht

    I am a bit backed up right now. But if you give me a few hours I will see what I can do.

  23. #23
    Forum Expert JapanDave's Avatar
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    Re: Need VBA Macro to run macro on worksheets that are specified by a range in the wksht

    Try this,

    Sub ImportOCTActuals()
        Dim ws
        Dim cel
        Application.ScreenUpdating = 0
            For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
                 Set cel = Sheets("File_Parameters").Range("A38:A54").Find(ws.Name)
                    If Not cel Is Nothing Then
                       Call CLEAROCT
                       Call COPYOCTACT
                       Call VALUEOCTACT
                    End If
            Next ws    
        Application.ScreenUpdating = 1
    End Sub

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