Hi folks!

I have been having this strangest issue with excel 2010 and 2013, on separate computers.

My personal macros only work if I call them with PERSONAL.XLSB! between the = & function name, i.e =PERSONAL.XLSB!FunctionUsedALot(Arg1,Arg2)
If I do not include the workbook name I get an invalid name error. (#NAME?)

I am using Windows 7 on both computers and the PERSONAL.XLSB file is located here: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Excel

I have checked all the settings in the Trust Center, everything is enabled and points to the right location. I have no extra Add-Ins installed either.

The functions still work, but they do not have any auto complete features when you are typing them out this way.

Any thoughts?
