Hello All, I am not too familiar with VBA, but I am hoping you can help me with the following problem. I have a primary spreadsheet that is posted by Infrastrcture team on a weekly basis that I download from a sharepoint site.
Every week after getting the new file, I use the following INDEX and MATCH function to match values based on CurrentHostName. If the CurrentHostName matches, values are populated my own spreadsheet from Column "C" through "N". Column "T" through "Z" are updated based on my interaction with the customers.
=INDEX('[InfrastrctureData.xls]Server Status'!$A$1:$CQ$65000,MATCH(B2,'[InfrastrctureData.xls]Server Status'!$A$1:$A$65000,0),10)
1) Automatically assign a new record ID in column "A" based on highest cell value +1.
2) Based on "CurrentHostName" that will be entered, populate and search all the columns from "C" through "N".
Thank you in advance, attached is the example sheet I am working with.