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Make weekly Planner with macro or formula.

  1. #1
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    Make weekly Planner with macro or formula.

    Hi I have have this up before and it seems to be a difficult one. I have in below test sheet a weekly template.
    It cover 2 weeks and its made with my limited skills in formulas.
    But it cover the first 2 weeks in January 2013. I would like to have a macro or formula, which can create a calendar for all weeks in the year.
    And also that i can change year later on.
    If its not possible to make it in a macro, I would like to have some help with the formulas, to create one, like the one i have made for 2 weeks.
    I would like to be able to change year in cell H2 for all the weeks. Please have a look in my test sheet and see if you can help. I know there is many templates, but so far i have not found one looking exactly like this one.
    Please look at the template and see if you can make a macro for all weeks, with the possibility to change year in H2.
    Or if not with a macro, formulas(would like then to get a test sheet back), very bad to formulas.

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  2. #2
    Forum Guru Pete_UK's Avatar
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    Re: Make weekly Planner with macro or formula.

    You can do it with formulae quite easily. You can have a drop-down in H2 to select the year, but how you envisage selecting the start date? Would you like to be able to enter any date, and for the worksheet to then select the start date as being the Monday in the same week that the date appears? Or, would you like a drop-down that only shows you Mondays? Or a drop-down to select the month and another drop-down to select the day? Or some other way ???

    Please advise.


  3. #3
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    Re: Make weekly Planner with macro or formula.

    Hi Pete. I would like to have a weekly calendar for all year. So the first week start with the 01.01.2013 example. What ever if this date is is a monday or not. So if that day is a wednesday. Tuesday and Monday is in the year before. And then i want to have all weeks this year. Even if it overlap in the last week, to the new year.So its basically all weeks with example 2 rows between the template, until the year is finish.I made the dropdown manu in H2 to select the year infact. and it seems to work fine.
    So its quite many templates i want for all year. And my formula skills are limited. So if there is a way to make all weekly forms in a easy way, it will be nice. I dont need a dropdown for the day or month in fact. I made now the dropdown as the 01.01.2013, and different years.
    So it start always with 01.01.2013.

    But a way to make all the weekly forms in a easy way would really be great. Either with formula or with a macro.

    Hope i manage to explain it ok, and answer your questions.


  4. #4
    Forum Guru Pete_UK's Avatar
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    Re: Make weekly Planner with macro or formula.

    Is the attached the kind of thing you are after? You can select the year using the drop-down in H2 and the dates automatically adjust. You need to copy the block of rows down to the same relative position, i.e. rows 64 to 94 into row 95, and so on.

    Hope this helps.

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  5. #5
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    Re: Make weekly Planner with macro or formula.

    HI Pete. This was exactly how i was imagine it. I am working on it now and it works perfect.Thanks allot. Its really great.
    Have a nice day

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