I need a Macro that will allow me to do the following:

I want to be able to split a file into several Tabs (or Separate files) depending on the contents of three other tabs:

I have a data file of names and international addresses. I want to be able to split the file in three Main Tabs:

There are four tabs:

1: PS1
2: OZ4 EU
3: OZ4 RoW
4: Data

All tabs have a Country column.

A tab must be created copying the data in the Data tab which equals the country in each of the tabs (1 new tab per selection so at the end we end up with 7 Tabs):

1: PS1
2: OZ4 EU
3: OZ4 RoW
4: Data
5: Data PS1
6: Data OZ4 EU
7: Data OZ4 RoW

Also I need to split The PS1 tab if the country is USA:

If the country is USA and the five first characters of the ZIP code is 00000-39999 then cut it to a new tab called New York:
If the country is USA and the five first characters of the ZIP code is 40000-79999 then cut it to a new tab called Chicago:

and in that case I will end up with 9 tabs:

1: PS1
2: OZ4 EU
3: OZ4 RoW
4: Data
5: Data PS1
6: Data OZ4 EU
7: Data OZ4 RoW
8: New York
9: Chicago