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Add a value to a specific cell using a hlookup and match formula

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  1. #1
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    Add a value to a specific cell using a hlookup and match formula

    Hi there,

    I'm very new to VBA and to the forum but I'm very keen to learn and I know I'm the right place to do so!

    With that in mind, I'm having issues writing code to update a specific cell with a value based on selections in a userform.

    What I have is a userform with a drop down box to select a person's name from and a date. On my worksheet I have the names of the people in column A and the dates in columns D to M. What I want to happen is when a user selects a persons name, I want it to update the corresponding cell based on the date with the letter "w".

    The code I have to find the corresponding cell is:
    Application.HLookup(Me.TextDate.Value, Sheets("Availability").Range("D1:M100").Value, Application.Match(Me.cboCandidateNames.Value, Sheets("Availability").Range("A1:A100").Value, 0), 0))

    and this works to find the correct cell but I'm not sure what I need to add in to make it change that cell to a "w".

    Any help would be much appreciated, thank you in advance!

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: Add a value to a specific cell using a hlookup and match formula

    Hello lnh2204,

    Welcome to the Forum!

    The macro below will find the name and then the date. The cell containing the date will be changed to "w". In VBA using Ranges and the Find method offer you a wide range of options in searching.

    Sub Macro1()
        Dim Cell    As Range
        Dim Rng     As Range
        Dim sDate   As Date
            Set Rng = Range("A1:A100")
          ' Convert string date into a Date type.
            sDate = CDate(TextDate.Value)
          ' Find the name in column A.
            Set Cell = Rng.Find(cboCandidateNames.Value, , xlValues, xlWhole, xlByRows, xlNext, False, False, False)
           ' Look for the date if the name was found.
            If Not Cell Is Nothing Then
              ' Look in the name row columns D to M.
                Set Rng = Cell.Offset(0, 4).Resize(1, 10)
                Set Cell = Rng.Find(sDate)
              ' Change the date to "w".
                If Not Cell Is Nothing Then Cell.Value = "w"
            End If
    End Sub
    Last edited by Leith Ross; 07-10-2013 at 06:48 PM.
    Leith Ross

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  3. #3
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    Re: Add a value to a specific cell using a hlookup and match formula

    Thank you for your response Leith,

    This nearly works, except the date that it is looking for is always in cells D1:M1 and the cell i want to change to a "w" will be in line with whichever row the candidate name is in, if that makes sense?

    That macro works if the date is in every cell in the column but i only want it to look at the date at the top.

    I guess what I really need it to do is look for the name in column A and the date in row 1. So if the name is in cell A3 and the date is in cell D1, the cell i need to have a "w" in is cell D3; if name is in cell A21, date in G1, "w" in cell G21 etc etc

  4. #4
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: Add a value to a specific cell using a hlookup and match formula

    Hello lnh2204,

    A sample workbook would be a great help. Can you post one?

  5. #5
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    Re: Add a value to a specific cell using a hlookup and match formula

    I have attached an example of what the table looks like, I hope this is what you meant?
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