
What I have is a workbook (workbook1) where data is entered into a specific sheet (sheet1) in cells B2:J7. I have an Auto_Close procedure on workbook1 that opens another workbook (workbook2), copies sheet1 to workbook2, renames that new sheet in workbook2 to the current date then saves and closes.

This all works perfectly fine but I am stuck on what coding to use to check to see if workbook2 already has a sheet with that days date, the format of the date is dd-mm-yy. If it does already exist then I want to update the data in cells B2:J7 on that sheet but without removing any data already in there. e.g workbook2 already has a sheet named 25-07-13 and cell B2 has the number 2. Workbook1 is closed with the number 3 in cell B2, checks workbook2 and sees that there is already a sheet with today's date (25-07-13), then instead of creating a new sheet or wiping the number 2 from cell B2 updates the cell to 5 (2+3).

I'm also probably going to need some error handling in there.

Sorry if it sounds over complicated but any help will be appreciated!
