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Moving raw data to a new sheet

  1. #1
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    Moving raw data to a new sheet

    I have a workbook that is fed its information from a database regarding customer information. I would like to marco that sperates the raw data onto different sheets by name.

    So Sheet 1 Column A is a customers name "J.Smith"
    Sheet 2 is named "J.Smith."

    I want all of J.Smith's data on the sheet with his name.

    How can i acomplish this?

  2. #2
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    Re: Moving raw data to a new sheet

    1) It seems you got trouble to replying to forummembers who gave you an solution.

    For some of those topics see the links below.


    2) you been asked several times, to add an excel file to your threat, still I don't see one by this threat
    Notice my main language is not English.

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  3. #3
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    Re: Moving raw data to a new sheet

    First off let me start by saying that some on the questions that I have askedare for developmental projects that I am working on. That being the case I am not always able to test the responses given as I return to my development projects when time allows.

    Secondly, ALL and I mean ALL of the data that I work with is considered very sensitive data. The information is automatically pulled out of a database. Becuase of that I can not post my data sets. The question on this thread (compared to some of the other questions I have asked) is relatively strait forward. If Coulmn A = J.smith move all of the data to the sheet called J. Smith. If you need a sample sheet to asnewr that simple of a question perhaps I am on the wrong forum. Yes I have tried searching for the information on my own, but as I am rather new to Excel not knowing the proper terminaolgy for what I am trying to makes searches rather difficult. I also refuse to take the time to create a "Sample" sheet for a question as simple and strait forward as that.

    While I am appreciative of all of the help I have received on this forum this is not the correct one for me.

  4. #4
    Forum Guru HaHoBe's Avatar
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    Re: Moving raw data to a new sheet

    Hi, Bremen22,

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  5. #5
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    Re: Moving raw data to a new sheet

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    I can only speak for myself (so I will do that), but that's a wrong attitude.

    You don't feel the need to make an example for us, who are willing to help you.

    You think it's normal we will make this example for you, since you are to lazy for that.

    You are the one who needs help, so I think the best you can do is try to make it easier for the one's who are willing to help.

  6. #6
    Forum Guru HaHoBe's Avatar
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    Re: Moving raw data to a new sheet

    Hi, oeldere,

    I strongly disagree - anybody has the choice to pass any thread if that person doesn´t feel able to help on what is asked or offered. Maybe just take that road?


  7. #7
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    Re: Moving raw data to a new sheet


    I know Bremen is in Germany, so that's why you think this way (joke).

    But once someones steps in, it's nice to know if the solution is working for the OP.

    Not replying on a answer is not a proper way of behaving (but as already said, that's my opinion).

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