Once again i am glad to come back into the forum which provides lot of help and knowledge. I am trying to use Vlookup function with in VBA code for obtaining data from sheet "SD Consolidation" into a new sheet PreparationfileSD which has unique list of order information in column "A2:A". However while using following code it is very slow and keeps running for a long time.

Is this formula right? and any possibilities of improving speed with alternative code?? I need to apply Vlookup function because column structure of sheets SD Consolidation and PreparationfileSD are different.

Would be happy to receive feedback and support on this request.

Thanks again,


I have used 2 named ranges as below
SD consolidated data = OFFSET('SD Consolidation'!$B$3,0,0,COUNTA('SD Consolidation'!$B:$B),7)
SDFinaldata = OFFSET(PreparationfileSD!$B$2,0,0,COUNTA(PreparationfileSD!$B:$B),16)

Table3 = Sheets("PreparationfileSD").Range("SDFinaldata")
Table4 = Sheets("SD Consolidation").Range("SDConsolidateddata")

Dept_Row = Sheets("PreparationfileSD").Range("a2").Row
Dept_Clm1 = Sheets("PreparationfileSD").Range("g2").Column

For Each cl In Table3
    Sheets("PreparationfileSD").Cells(Dept_Row, Dept_Clm1) = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(cl, Table4, 6, False)
    Dept_Row = Dept_Row + 1
Next cl