
I was wondering if when using Format ( expression, [ format ] ), could I use a variable in place of [ format ]?

On a userform I have a checkbox indicating 2 decimal places, default would be 1 decimal place.

Right now I have
altitude.Value = Format(2 * (y / b), "0.0")
blah blah blah
altitude.Value = Format(2 * (y / b), "0.00")
Anyway to make

Private Sub dec2_Click()
 Dim decplace As String
 If dec2.Value = True Then
  decplace = "0.00"
  decplace = "0.0"
 End If
 End Sub

altitude.Value = Format(2 * (y / b), decplace)
I hope I was clear in my request.

Would appreciate any help with this problem.
Thanks in advance.

BTW, am using Excel 2007.
