just started playing about with vba and HTML.
Can someone give me a clue how to click the button Continue

<h2>Enter Your Car Registration Number</h2>
<div class="filler33"></div>
<input type="text" maxlength="10" name="license_plate" id="license_plate" class="plate" value="" />
<div class="filler24"></div>
<div class="clear"></div>
<button type="submit" class="button_continue_blue" title="Continue">&nbsp;</button>
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="carRegistration" />
<p class="license_plate_nb">n.b. Reg Number info is used solely to verify vehicle details and to match parts</p>
Currently using this code which gets to the site and enters a registration, now all need to do is hit the blue continue button

Dim HTMLDoc As HTMLDocument
 Dim MyBrowser As InternetExplorer
  Sub MyGmail()

  Dim MyHTML_Element As IHTMLElement
  Dim MyURL As String
  On Error GoTo Err_Clear
 ' MyURL = "https://www.gmail.com"
  MyURL = "http://www.1stchoice.co.uk/find-a-part"
  Set MyBrowser = New InternetExplorer
  MyBrowser.Silent = True
  MyBrowser.navigate MyURL
  MyBrowser.Visible = True
  Loop Until MyBrowser.readyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE
  Set HTMLDoc = MyBrowser.document

  HTMLDoc.all.license_plate.Value = "LV11VYT"

  For Each MyHTML_Element In HTMLDoc.getElementsByTagName("input") '("input")
  If MyHTML_Element.Type = "submit" Then MyHTML_Element.Click: Exit For
  'If MyHTML_Element.Title = "Continue" Then MyHTML_Element.Click: Exit For
  If Err <> 0 Then
  Resume Next
  End If
  End Sub