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Loop through Code that copies the content of a text file to another text file

  1. #1
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    Loop through Code that copies the content of a text file to another text file

    Hi all,

    I have the following VBA code to copy the content of one text file to another text file. However I want to do that for fifteen files using a loop.

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    I tried to change it in the following way, but I bump into the run time 1004 error:

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    Does somebody has any suggestion how to adjust the code so that it runs smoothly? Thanks in advance

  2. #2
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    Re: Loop through Code that copies the content of a text file to another text file

    You declare csA & csB as Integer, yet it looks like you're assigning a file name to them - that'll be your 1004 error, probably.

    I would assume that the lines
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    should be moved into the 'For x = ...' block.

    The variables sBefore & sAfter are declared but never set to any value, so why are they there?

    Comments only - your code has not been tested.

  3. #3
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    Re: Loop through Code that copies the content of a text file to another text file

    @ cytop,

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  4. #4
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    Re: Loop through Code that copies the content of a text file to another text file

    Thanks Cytop, that seems to be the problem. Is there a reason for the fact that you have to move the variable to the for x block? I could imagine that it would also work if it was stated before the for x block!



  5. #5
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    Re: Loop through Code that copies the content of a text file to another text file

    No, it'll throw an error as x is undefined at that point, so will have a default value of either 0 or a null string, and both are invalid when users to refer to a cell - I missed that one!

    Also, x is incremented in the For Loop, but the assignment to the variables csA & csB is outside the loop so they would never get updated. All assuming x had been initialised in the first place.

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