
So I have some tools I'm trying to build where I will need to generate sets of data given criteria. RIght now I'm using a combination of Named Ranges and CSE Array formulas stored both in the worksheet and in the name manager.

I would like to eliminate the CSE formulas as the sheet has become book has become very buggy and overall just doesn't seem like the most efficient way of doing things.

Right now I'm trying to get a handle on Loading an entire data set as an array without looping and then manipulating the data against criteria from there and printing into a range back in the workbook.

I know I can use .formula array but this seems like it would just be writing the formula rather than computing the output. If I can please get some guidance towards a good approach on selecting data from an array given criteria and loading a full data set to VBA array in one pass I'd appreciate it.

With Worksheets(1)
Array1 = .Range("NamedRangeExample").Value
End With

Is the convention I've found for loading array, haven't tested reliably as of yet.