Hi, I know this probably asking for a lot and my previous request went unanswered but I am hoping somebody can help me here with any part of my request. I have been given an audit which I have modified to our needs. There are 3 buttons on the 'Summary Report' tab that have macros which have been deleted prior to my getting the file to work on and I do not know how to write a code to get them to function. If you look at this tab you will see the buttons already in place. Can anybody help me to get these functioning, please?

The "export to word" would need the 'coversheet', 'summary report' and 'corrective action report' tabs brought into a single document, print standard package is not essential as I can print it from Word.

The populate "Corrective action report" button would need to take any findings which will be brought in the comment column (D) in the 'summary report page' and copy them into their own lines in the 'corrective action report' tab

DBF Food Safety Audit excel.xlsm