I have this recorded macro that selects a chart (named "Chart 1") that is on a worksheet and changes the name of the title. Worked fine until I decided to put the chart on an acual chart sheet and not a worksheet that show the grids.

So the naming convention of the chart changed and the macro didnt work. So I named the new chart "Northing" (which actually automatically named the sheet Northing, I guess since its a chart sheet and not a worksheet?). I debugged the original recorded macro and simply changed all the names from "Chart 1" to "Northing." Did not work.

It did not recognize my new name. I don't get it.

Original chart macro that worked under a worksheet....

Active.ChartObjects("Chart 1").Activate
ActiveChart.ChartTitle.Text = "Soil Nail Wall Northing" & Chr(13) & "All Sensors"
Sheets("Easting ").Select

Modified macro that did not work

ActiveChart.ChartTitle.Text = "Soil Nail Wall Northing" & Chr(13) & "All Sensors"
Sheets("Easting ").Select

Any suggestions?