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Removing Unused Lines After Remove Duplicates

  1. #1
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    Removing Unused Lines After Remove Duplicates

    Hello Everyone,

    I have a macro that removes duplicates for 2 columns and then pastes those 2 columns to a new worksheet. I am having an issue with the copy/paste part of it. Excel keeps copying all the way down to the last row before the remove duplicates. For example, if column A and B had 10 rows, then I did a remove duplicates and it got rid of half of them, the copy/paste would still give me 5 rows with data and 5 blank rows.

    At a small level like that, it doesn't matter, but when I have thousands of lines of data and the scroll bar goes down way too far, then it becomes a pain.

    Does anyone know how to write code so it only picks up the data thats left after a remove duplicates?


  2. #2
    Forum Moderator - RIP Richard Buttrey's Avatar
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    Re: Removing Unused Lines After Remove Duplicates


    When you say you're removing duplicates are you removing the rows that contain the duplicates or just the cell values. I'm implying from your post it's the latter.

    One way would be to remove the rows as part of your remove duplicates routine.

    Another would be to filter the range for non blank and use the
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    Yet another would be to use Advanced Data Filter to copy the non blank rows to your destination area.
    Richard Buttrey

    RIP - d. 06/10/2022

    If any of the responses have helped then please consider rating them by clicking the small star icon below the post.

  3. #3
    Forum Expert Solus Rankin's Avatar
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    Re: Removing Unused Lines After Remove Duplicates

    Can you attach your sample workbook?

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  4. #4
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    Re: Removing Unused Lines After Remove Duplicates

    Richard and Solus,

    Thank you for your responses. The code I am using is:

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    This should do the same thing as going to the Data Ribbon and using the "Remove Duplicates" button.

    Solus - If you open a spreadsheet and fill in column A1 through 10,000 with "1" in each cell, then use the "Remove Duplicates" button, you'll see the scroll bar will stay the same size as though you have 10,000 filled cells. That is essentially my issue. Excel still recognizes those cells.

  5. #5
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    Re: Removing Unused Lines After Remove Duplicates

    Update: It turns out its not actually the remove duplicates and copy/paste thats causing my issue - its when I try to put left and right edge borders in there. That's when my scroll bar goes from 3000+ cells to 60,000+ cells.

    For some reason, using

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    will cause the issue, but using

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    does work.

    Go figure...

    Update to the update -

    Apparently this works too:

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    I must be going nuts.
    Last edited by freybe06; 09-16-2013 at 04:51 PM.

  6. #6
    Forum Expert Solus Rankin's Avatar
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    Re: Removing Unused Lines After Remove Duplicates

    That's why I was hoping to get an example. It will show it all in context.

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