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Creating a summary of multiple files with the same formatting in a folder

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Excel 2007

    Creating a summary of multiple files with the same formatting in a folder

    I am looking to create a revision log for a group of files in a folder, the number of files always changes it could be 2, it could be 20. In each file the name of the item is in cell C12 (could be A-3, A-7, B-3, anything with a letter then a number) and then in cell C9 the revision number is located. I am looking to make a macro which creates a list of 2 columns, that says the item name and revision number.

    Thank you so much for your help!

  2. #2
    Forum Expert
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    Microsoft 365 aka Office 365

    Re: Creating a summary of multiple files with the same formatting in a folder

    Attached is an Excel file (using Excel 2003 on a Vista 32 bit system) with Macros that may help you solve your problem. Two data files that I used for testing are also attached.

    The Macros are also shown below to allow others to see the code without downloading.

    Option Explicit
    Private Const nDestinationRowDATUM = 10      'ONE LESS than actual start row
    Private Const sOutputSheetName = "Main"
    Sub ClearRevisionLogDataRows()
      'This clears all the data created by the previous call to CreateRevisionLog().
      Dim iRowStart As Long
      Dim iRowEnd As Long
      'Find the first and last data rows
      iRowStart = nDestinationRowDATUM + 1
      iRowEnd = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(sOutputSheetName).Rows.Count
      'Clear all the data
      ThisWorkbook.Sheets(sOutputSheetName).Rows(iRowStart & ":" & iRowEnd).ClearContents
    End Sub
    Sub CreateRevisionLog()
      'This creates a 'Revision Log' of data items in a SINGLE FOLDER
      'or CHILD FOLDER per the instructions above.  This is NOT RECURSIVE.
      'It DOES NOT get data from FOLDERS and CHILD FOLDERS at the same time.
      'There is NO data VALIDITY CHECKING.
      Const nDestinationColumnITEM_NAME = "A"
      Const nDestinationColumnREVISION_NUMBER = "B"
      Const nDestinationColumnWORKBOOK_NAME = "C"
      Const nDestinationColumnSHEET_NAME = "D"
      Const nDestinationColumnCOUNT = "E"
      Dim i As Integer
      Dim iDestinationRow As Integer
      Dim iDataFoundCount As Integer
      Dim bFileWasClosedBeforeUse As Boolean
      Dim mySheetName As String
      Dim sFileSpec As String
      Dim sFoundFile As String
      Dim sItemName As String
      Dim sPath As String
      Dim sPathDataFiles As String
      Dim sPathandWorkbookName As String
      Dim sRevisionNumber As String
      Dim sSearchSpec As String
      'Get the path for the file that runs the code
      sPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\"
      'Assume all the folders in the file start with 'ABC' for Testing Purposes
      sFileSpec = "ABC*.xls*"
      'Clear the existing data if any
      Call ClearRevisionLogDataRows
      'User Selection of a File Folder using 'FolderPicker'
      'Terminate if user selects the 'Cancel' Button
      'Creation of a 'search specification'
      sPathDataFiles = GetFolderUsingFolderPicker(sPath, "Select a FOLDER that contain the Data files.")
      If sPathDataFiles = "" Then
        MsgBox "TERMINATING by User Request."
        Exit Sub
      End If
      sSearchSpec = sPathDataFiles & sFileSpec
      'Write Header Data on the Output Sheet
      iDestinationRow = nDestinationRowDATUM
      'Output the current date and time
      iDestinationRow = iDestinationRow + 1
      ThisWorkbook.Sheets(sOutputSheetName).Cells(iDestinationRow, "A") = _
        "Searching for files started on " & Now() & "."
      'Output the File Specification
      iDestinationRow = iDestinationRow + 1
      ThisWorkbook.Sheets(sOutputSheetName).Cells(iDestinationRow, "A") = _
        "Searching for files with Search Specification: '" & sFileSpec & "'."
      'Output the Folder being searched
      iDestinationRow = iDestinationRow + 1
      ThisWorkbook.Sheets(sOutputSheetName).Cells(iDestinationRow, "A") = _
        "Searching in Folder: '" & sPathDataFiles & "'."
      'Create a line with a "." ("." required during use of sub that clears data)
      iDestinationRow = iDestinationRow + 1
      ThisWorkbook.Sheets(sOutputSheetName).Cells(iDestinationRow, "A") = "'."
      'Search for the files
      sFoundFile = Dir(sSearchSpec)
      While sFoundFile <> ""
        'Process the file EXCEPT if it is the FILE CONTAINING this code
        'The FILE CONTAINING this code is NOT ALLOWED to be a data file
        If sFoundFile <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then
          'Open the Excel Data File with Macros Disabled if it isn't already open
          If IsWorkbookOpen(sFoundFile) Then
            bFileWasClosedBeforeUse = False
            bFileWasClosedBeforeUse = True
            Application.EnableEvents = False
            sPathandWorkbookName = sPathDataFiles & sFoundFile
            Workbooks.Open Filename:=sPathandWorkbookName
            Application.EnableEvents = True
          End If
          'Find all the sheets in the data file
          'Output - Item Name - Revision Number - File Name - Sheet Name
          For i = 1 To Workbooks(sFoundFile).Sheets.Count
            'Increment the counts
            iDataFoundCount = iDataFoundCount + 1
            iDestinationRow = iDestinationRow + 1
            'Get the Sheet Name
            mySheetName = Workbooks(sFoundFile).Sheets(i).Name
            'Get the 'Item Name' and 'Revision Number' from the input data sheet
            sItemName = Workbooks(sFoundFile).Sheets(mySheetName).Range("C12")
            sRevisionNumber = Workbooks(sFoundFile).Sheets(mySheetName).Range("C9")
            'Output a line of results
            ThisWorkbook.Sheets(sOutputSheetName).Cells(iDestinationRow, nDestinationColumnITEM_NAME) = sItemName
            ThisWorkbook.Sheets(sOutputSheetName).Cells(iDestinationRow, nDestinationColumnREVISION_NUMBER) = "''" & sRevisionNumber
            ThisWorkbook.Sheets(sOutputSheetName).Cells(iDestinationRow, nDestinationColumnWORKBOOK_NAME) = sFoundFile
            ThisWorkbook.Sheets(sOutputSheetName).Cells(iDestinationRow, nDestinationColumnSHEET_NAME) = mySheetName
            ThisWorkbook.Sheets(sOutputSheetName).Cells(iDestinationRow, nDestinationColumnCOUNT) = iDataFoundCount
          Next i
          'Close the Excel Data file only if it was opened in this procedure
          If bFileWasClosedBeforeUse Then
            Workbooks(sFoundFile).Close SaveChanges:=False
          End If
        End If
        'Find the next file in the list
        sFoundFile = Dir()
    End Sub
    Function IsWorkbookOpen(sName As String) As Boolean
      'Return value TRUE if workbook is open
      Dim wb As Workbook
      On Error Resume Next
      Set wb = Workbooks(sName)
      IsWorkbookOpen = Not wb Is Nothing
      Set wb = Nothing
      On Error GoTo 0
    End Function
    Function GetFolderUsingFolderPicker(strPath As String, sUserPrompt As String) As String
      'This returns the FOLDER (AND COMPLETE PATH) selected by the User as a string with a trailing "\"
      'using 'FolderPicker' provided by Microsoft
      'This code was obtained from Richard Schollar on  MREXCEL.COM
      'NOTE: It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to have the input strPath have a trailing "\"
       Dim fldr As FileDialog
       Dim sItem As String
       Dim sInitDir As String
       'Store initial directory (to prevent errors with later versions of Excel)
       sInitDir = CurDir
       'Obtain the folder name from the Folder Picker
       Set fldr = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
       With fldr
        .Title = sUserPrompt
        .AllowMultiSelect = False
        .InitialFileName = strPath
        If .Show <> -1 Then GoTo NEXTCODE
        sItem = .SelectedItems(1)
      End With
      'Reset directory before exit (to prevent errors with later versions of Excel)
      ChDrive sInitDir  'Return to the Initial Drive
      ChDir sInitDir    'Resets directory for Initial Drive
      'Clear the pointer
      Set fldr = Nothing
      'Set the return value
      GetFolderUsingFolderPicker = sItem & "\"
    End Function

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