Hi guys,

I came up with a code that helps me to automate my excel.
It is working, but it takes a very long time to execute.(around 2-3mins)

Can someone help me solve this issue?

Part 1

[QUOTE][QUOTE][CODE]Option Explicit
Dim i As Integer
Dim sheetname As String
Dim WDApp As Word.Application ' early binding
Dim WDDoc As Word.Document
Dim FSOobj As Object
Dim actionstop As String
Dim actioncount As Integer

Sub saveall()
'############################SAVE CLOSE EXPORT################################################
Set WDApp = GetObject(, "Word.Application")
WDApp.Visible = True

Set WDDoc = WDApp.ActiveDocument
sheetname = ActiveSheet.Name

actionstop = ""

If actionstop = "stop" Then Exit Sub

'On Error GoTo Last
Dim reportbupath As String
Dim reportname As String
Dim fso As Object
Dim formatDDMMYY As String
Dim formatyyyymmdd As String
Dim doc As String
Dim Reportbufolder As String
Dim vbf As String
Dim vb As String
Dim toreportftppath As String
Dim reportpdf As String
Dim strdir As String
Dim toDoctorFolderPath As String
Dim oldFile As Variant
Dim newFile As Variant
Dim newPath As Variant

'saving document check
formatDDMMYY = Format(Date, "DDMMYY")
formatyyyymmdd = Format(Date, "YYYY-MM-DD")
doc = ".doc"
reportpdf = WDDoc.FormFields("NRIC").Result & "_" & formatDDMMYY & ".pdf"
reportname = WDDoc.FormFields("NRIC").Result & "_" & formatDDMMYY & doc
Reportbufolder = Sheets("DATA").Cells(1, 2).Value & Format(Date, "YYYY") & "\" & formatyyyymmdd & "\"
reportbupath = Sheets("DATA").Cells(2, 2).Value & Format(Date, "YYYY") & "\" & formatyyyymmdd & "\" & reportname
toreportftppath = Sheets("DATA").Cells(3, 2).Value
'toDoctorFolder = Sheets("DATA").Cells(4, 2).Value & Format(Date, "YYYY") & "\" & formatyyyymmdd & "\"
toDoctorFolderPath = Sheets("DATA").Cells(5, 2).Value

will continue on another pose