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VBA code to copy data over to separate templates

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  1. #1
    Forum Contributor
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    Excel 2010

    VBA code to copy data over to separate templates

    I have a work model which creates a number of templates of data on the tabs within the workbook, the working model works fine but i need to adapt the code to ask the user to select the template to copy the data too rather than copying it to the tabs in the workbook, once the data is copied to the template select by the user, the model will then prompt the user where to save the template.

    The code i have is below;

    Sub new_instruments()
        Const MYPASSWORD As String = "CRWT" 'pw to use for unprotect
        Dim xlWbActive  As Workbook     'Workbook which is active when code is started
        Dim xlWbNew     As Workbook     'Object for output workbooks
        Dim Sh          As Worksheet    'Worksheet to loop Worksheets Collection
        Dim xlRng       As Range        'Range used to find text on sheet
        Dim aData       As Variant      'contains table from "New Workings" sheet
        Dim aSheets     As Variant      'lists worksheets to save as separate workbooks
        Dim sSheetNames As String       'stores sheetnames when a new wb is created to remove them afterwards ("Sheet1","Sheet2",..)
        Dim sSaveAs     As String       'file location to be saved into
        Dim lngNextRow  As Long         'temporary, stores row number (usually lastrow +1)
        Dim i           As Long         'loop increment
        Dim j           As Long         'loop increment
        Dim k           As Long
        Dim tm          As Single       'stores starting time
        On Error GoTo new_instruments_ErrorHandler
        With Application
            .ScreenUpdating = False
            .DisplayAlerts = False
        End With
        'Start timer
        tm = Timer
        Set xlWbActive = ActiveWorkbook 'Workbook which is active when code is started
        'Unprotect passworded worksheets'
        For Each Sh In xlWbActive.Worksheets    'loop sheets
            Sh.Unprotect Password:=MYPASSWORD
        Next Sh
        With xlWbActive.Worksheets("Workings")
            lngNextRow = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
            'Range of data to be used in Array
            aData = .Range("BF5:DZ" & lngNextRow).Value
        End With
        'Loop row matching
        For i = LBound(aData, 1) + 1 To UBound(aData, 1)
            'Check for existing tabs in workbook
            If WsExists(aData(i, 2), xlWbActive) Then
                CopyDataToSheet xlWbActive, aData, i
                With xlWbActive.Worksheets("Template Map")
                    Set xlRng = .Columns(2).Find(What:=aData(i, 2), lookat:=xlWhole, LookIn:=xlValues)
                    If Not xlRng Is Nothing Then
                        aData(i, 2) = xlRng.Offset(, -1).Value
                        If WsExists(aData(i, 2), xlWbActive) Then CopyDataToSheet xlWbActive, aData, i
                    End If
                End With
            End If
        Next i
        'Delete aData memory
        Erase aData
        Set xlRng = Nothing
        'list of sheets to be saved into separate workbooks:
        aSheets = Array("CSH", "EQT", "EQT R & W", "Traded FUT", "Fixed Inc", "FND", "OTC Credit Default Derivatives", "OTC Options", "OTC Swaps")
        'let user specify save location:
        sSaveAs = Application.GetSaveAsFilename("[No Filename Needed - Just click Save]", "Excel Workbook (*.xlsx), *.xls,Excel 97-2003 Workbook (*.xls), *.xls")
        'if user did NOT click cancel button
        If sSaveAs <> "False" Then
            'loop sheetnames
            For i = LBound(aSheets) To UBound(aSheets)
                'check if sheet exists
                If WsExists(aSheets(i), xlWbActive) Then
                    'remove duplicates:
                    With xlWbActive.Worksheets(aSheets(i))
                        'find identifier col:
                        Set xlRng = .Rows(1).Find(What:="Identifier", LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
                        If xlRng Is Nothing Then Set xlRng = .Rows(1).Find(What:="User Identifier", LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
                        If xlRng Is Nothing Then Set xlRng = .Rows(1).Find(What:="Contract Code", LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
                        If xlRng Is Nothing Then
                            Select Case MsgBox("Cannot remove duplicates because no proper heading was found in '" & aSheets(i) & "'" & String(2, vbLf) & "OK: Continue with other sheets" & vbLf & "Cancel: Exit program", vbCritical + vbOKCancel, "Error")
                                Case vbOK
                                    GoTo NextSheet
                                Case vbCancel
                                    GoTo new_instruments_Proc_Exit
                            End Select
                        End If
                        'remove duplicates:
                        For k = .Cells(.Rows.Count, xlRng.Column).End(xlUp).Row To 2 Step -1
                            If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(xlRng.EntireColumn, .Cells(k, xlRng.Column).Value) > 1 Then
                                .Rows(k).Delete Shift:=xlUp
                            End If
                        Next k
                    End With
                    'add new workbook to current application
                    Set xlWbNew = Application.Workbooks.Add
                    With xlWbNew
                        'reset variable that stores sheetnames from new workbook
                        sSheetNames = vbNullString
                        For Each Sh In .Worksheets
                        'store sheetnames from new workbook
                        sSheetNames = sSheetNames & ":" & Sh.Name
                        Next Sh
                        'copy worksheet to new workbook
                        xlWbActive.Worksheets(aSheets(i)).Copy After:=.Worksheets(.Worksheets.Count)
                        'remove not needed sheets from new book
                        For j = LBound(Split(sSheetNames, ":")) + 1 To UBound(Split(sSheetNames, ":"))
                            .Worksheets(Split(sSheetNames, ":")(j)).Delete
                        Next j
                        'save new book as Excel binary
                        xlWbNew.SaveAs Left(sSaveAs, InStrRev(sSaveAs, "\")) & aSheets(i) & ".xlsx", xlExcel12
                        'close new workbook
                        xlWbNew.Close True
                    End With
                    'if sheet to be exported does not exist inform user, is user clicks cancel the macro stops
                    If vbCancel = MsgBox("Worksheet '" & aSheets(i) & "' not found!", vbOKCancel + vbInformation, "Title") Then GoTo new_instruments_Proc_Exit
                End If
            Next i
        End If
         'Identify time taken
        With xlWbActive.Sheets("Start")
            .Range("N23").Value = Format(Now, "dd-mmm-yy (HH:MM)")
            .Range("N24").Value = UCase(Environ("username")) & " on PC " & UCase(Environ("computername"))
            .Range("N25").Value = Format(Now - tm, "HH:MM:SS")
        End With
        'Update activity log with this step
    action_type = "New Instruments Macro"
    Call activity_log
        MsgBox "Complete in " & Format(Round(Timer - tm, 3), "00:00:00.000") & " seconds", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Done"
        On Error GoTo 0
        With Application
            .ScreenUpdating = True
            .DisplayAlerts = True
        End With
        Exit Sub
        MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & ") in Sub 'new_instruments' of Module 'Module1'.", vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Error"
        Resume new_instruments_Proc_Exit
    End Sub
    Sub CopyDataToSheet(xlWbActive As Workbook, aData, i As Long)
        Dim xlRng As Range
        Dim lngNextRow As Long, j As Long
        With xlWbActive.Worksheets(aData(i, 2))
            'Find the next blank row
            lngNextRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
            'Loop the column matching
            For j = LBound(aData, 2) + 2 To UBound(aData, 2)
                'Find Matching column
                Set xlRng = .Rows(1).Find(What:=aData(1, j), LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
                'Copying data if there is a macthing column
                If Not xlRng Is Nothing Then
                    'Copy Data'
                    .Cells(lngNextRow, xlRng.Column).Value = aData(i, j)
                End If
            Next j
        End With
    End Sub
    'Check weather worksheet with wsName exsists in Workbook
    Function WsExists(ByVal wsName, Optional xlWb As Excel.Workbook) As Boolean
        On Error GoTo ErrHandler
        If TypeName(wsName) <> "String" Then GoTo ErrHandler
        Dim sTmp$
        'If no object provided then use the active workbook
        If xlWb Is Nothing Then Set xlWb = ActiveWorkbook
        sTmp = xlWb.Worksheets(wsName).Name
        'If the sheet does not exist then jump to ErrHandler
        WsExists = True
        Exit Function
    'When a sheet does not exist
        WsExists = False
    End Function

  2. #2
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    Re: VBA code to copy data over to separate templates

    Apologies, this is no longer needed - could a moderator deleted this thread?

    My apologies for the setup in error.

  3. #3
    Forum Expert Fotis1991's Avatar
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    Re: VBA code to copy data over to separate templates

    Quote Originally Posted by kenadams378 View Post
    Apologies, this is no longer needed - could a moderator deleted this thread?

    My apologies for the setup in error.
    Thread closed as per your request!


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