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Search a range in one sheet. if any cell in range is greater then 0 copy that row to new

  1. #1
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    Search a range in one sheet. if any cell in range is greater then 0 copy that row to new

    I've been trying to do this with if statements and some code i saw somewhere else but im struggling to convert it to my use.
    Basically I have three sheets. MAIN, Sheet 1 and Sheet 2

    Sheet 1 and 2 are in the same format

    A3 down is a list of country names and then B3:I71 contains the data im interested in.

    I've been trying to create a function that looks at B3:i71 to see if any cell in that range contains a value greater then $0.00. If it does then the row that contains the cell with a value greater then $0.00 (between col A to K) should be copied to sheet MAIN from cells B3 down. This should ultimatley produce a list of data for any row containing a value greater then $0.00. This process should then be repeated on Sheet 2 and should join the list below sheet 1.

    Everything i've tried (non vba) just brings in everthing and the idea is i was to make the data easier to read.

    Any pointers would be great.

  2. #2
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    Re: Search a range in one sheet. if any cell in range is greater then 0 copy that row to n

    Can you post a copy of your workbook so we can see exactly what we are dealing with.

  3. #3
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    Re: Search a range in one sheet. if any cell in range is greater then 0 copy that row to n


    I've recently had to do something similar for an accountancy system I was working on, but it looked at dates rather than monetary value. Anyway, the way I did it in the end was got VBA to use an IF function in an empty cell, so if for arguments sake your $ is in cell E, it would be:

    Formula: copy to clipboard
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    Then delete any row that contains 'No, then copy over

    The code you'd need to achieve all this would be something like:

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    The above should add the formula, delete any 'No' fields, count how many rows you have left, insert that many rows into Main then copy the information over.

    You may need to play around with it a little

  4. #4
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    Re: Search a range in one sheet. if any cell in range is greater then 0 copy that row to n


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    Last edited by JOHN H. DAVIS; 09-24-2013 at 06:28 AM.

  5. #5
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    Re: Search a range in one sheet. if any cell in range is greater then 0 copy that row to n

    Hey everyone thanks for the updates and code.
    I semi solved the problem with a lot of if functions but it leaves with a lot of white space which i then have to use the filter on (which is a bit ugly).

    John unfortunatley your code gave me some weird errors where it started copying down sections of one line onto the next. I think its because each row can contain more then one 0.00 or more then one price greater then 0.00.

  6. #6
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    Re: Search a range in one sheet. if any cell in range is greater then 0 copy that row to n

    Can you attach a sample file as suggested in Post #2. And maybe provide the code that you currently have?

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