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Loop through all occurrences of a string within a string

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  1. #1
    Forum Expert JasperD's Avatar
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    Loop through all occurrences of a string within a string

    Hi guys,

    with a web request (MSXML2.XMLHTTP) I pull a responsetext of a website.
    This responsetext has several occurrences of the string " shops", which comes with a number in front of it.

    So for example

    "1 shops"
    "12 shops"
    "3 shops"

    These quantities of shops are not in order, so basically what I want to do is loop through the occurences, find the one with the highest quantity and go from there (I'll grab a link after that from the same responsetext, based on the location of that "x shops" I found to be the highest)

    What's the best way to go about it? Just "inStr" or "inStrRev" wouldn't only show me the first and last occurrence - so what's the best way to go through all?
    I was considering to do "x = Instr(responsetext, x, " shops")" and then x = x + 1, loop until there's no x anymore.
    But that doesn't sound very easy, so was wondering if someone can help me do this more efficiently.

    Please click the * below if this helps

  2. #2
    Forum Guru Andy Pope's Avatar
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    Re: Loop through all occurrences of a string within a string

    the INSTR function has a start position argument.

    Private Function m_GetNumber(Text As String) As Long
        Dim lngIndex As Long
        For lngIndex = Len(Text) To 1 Step -1
            If Not IsNumeric(Mid(Text, lngIndex)) Then
                m_GetNumber = CLng(Mid(Text, lngIndex + 1))
                Exit Function
            End If
        m_GetNumber = CLng(Text)
        Exit Function
    End Function
    Sub X()
        Dim strTest As String
        Dim lngCount As Long
        Dim lngIndex As Long
        Dim lngShops() As Variant
        Dim lngPos As Long
        Dim lngStart As Long
        Const SHOPS = "SHOPS"
        strTest = UCase("1 shops 12 shops 3 shops")
        lngCount = (Len(strTest) - Len(Replace(strTest, SHOPS, ""))) / Len(SHOPS)
        ReDim lngShops(1 To lngCount)
        lngStart = 1
        lngPos = InStr(lngStart, strTest, SHOPS, vbTextCompare)
        lngIndex = 0
        Do While lngPos > 0
            lngIndex = lngIndex + 1
            lngShops(lngIndex) = m_GetNumber(Trim(Mid(strTest, lngStart, lngPos - lngStart)))
            lngStart = lngPos + Len(SHOPS)
            lngPos = InStr(lngStart, strTest, SHOPS, vbTextCompare)
        For lngIndex = 1 To lngCount
            Debug.Print lngIndex, lngShops(lngIndex)
    End Sub

  3. #3
    Forum Expert JasperD's Avatar
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    Re: Loop through all occurrences of a string within a string

    Hi Andy,

    thanks for your reply - this will probably work (I didn't test it yet), but I was looking for something simple actually
    I am now using an approach by splitting the string with delimiter " shops" and loop from 0 to ubound variable checking the last few characters of each split (cause if I split "12 shops" with delimiter " shops"), the final characters of the part before the splut will be "12", so I thought this is the easiest way).

  4. #4
    Forum Guru Andy Pope's Avatar
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    Re: Loop through all occurrences of a string within a string

    Sub X()
        Dim strTest As String
        Dim lngCount As Long
        Dim lngIndex As Long
        Dim lngShops() As Variant
        Dim vntItem As Variant
        Const SHOPS = "SHOPS"
        strTest = UCase("1 shops 12 shops 3 shops")
        lngCount = (Len(strTest) - Len(Replace(strTest, SHOPS, ""))) / Len(SHOPS)
        ReDim lngShops(0 To lngCount - 1)
        lngIndex = 0
        For Each vntItem In Split(strTest, SHOPS)
            If Len(Trim(vntItem)) > 0 Then
                lngShops(lngIndex) = CLng(Trim$(vntItem))
                lngIndex = lngIndex + 1
            End If
        For lngIndex = 0 To lngCount - 1
            Debug.Print lngIndex, lngShops(lngIndex)
    End Sub

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