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Spin Button variable linked cell

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    Spin Button variable linked cell

    Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to make a spin button adjust it's linked cell based off a value in another cell. It is basically used to adjust values in a range on another sheet, that I have hidden.

    On that sheet, I have 13 columns, the Col A is the year, the Col B is the month, both columns going down several years, and Col C is a number, starting at 1 on the first date. Columns D - M contain the values I want to be able to adjust. I will have a spin button for each column. On the sheet with the spin buttons are, the user will select month and year in 2 combo boxes, and there is a formula to come up with a number, which is the numbers in Col D, so if the user selects January 2013 the number will be 13. I have this formula in a named range, calling it "DMSel".

    Is there a way to set the Spin Button Linked Cell value to use the range "DMSel" as row number on the data sheet? So if it is indeed January 2013 that is selected, the spin button will change the values in cell E13? But if the user selects February 2012, the spin button will change values in cell E2? This is if the user is using the spin button for Column E. Thank you for any help. Following is a quick example of how the data sheet is set up. 2012 on the top left is cell A1.

    2012 January 1
    2012 February 2
    2012 December 12
    2013 January 13
    2013 February 14
    Last edited by Ozzmatron; 10-18-2013 at 10:05 AM.

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