
I am trying to create two worksheet selection changes on the same sheet that will change the filters of a pivot table on another sheet. My first one is working perfectly when I change cell B2, but the second does nothing when i make a change to cell B1. The filters they are trying to change are SIOP Model (this one is working) and SIOP Platform( no change when i change the value of this cell). Below is my code.

I appreciate any help!

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)

    If Intersect(Target, Range("B2")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    Dim pt As PivotTable
    Dim Field As PivotField
    Dim NewCat As String

    Set pt = Worksheets("Pivotw2014").PivotTables("PivotTable2")
    Set Field = pt.PivotFields("SIOP Model")
    NewCat = Worksheets("Results").Range("B2").Value

    With pt
        Field.CurrentPage = NewCat
    End With

End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange2(ByVal Target As Range)

    If Intersect(Target, Range("B1")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    Dim pt As PivotTable
    Dim NewCat As String
    Set pt = Worksheets("Pivot2014").PivotTables("PivotTable2")
    Set Field = pt.PivotFields("SIOP Platform")
    NewCat = Worksheets("Results").Range("B1").Value
    With pt
        Field.CurrentPage = NewCat
    End With
End Sub