Hi all,

I greatly appreciate any and all help you can provide I am sure this is a simple thing to fix, but I am super rusty with Excel macros.

I have a spreadsheet for our rebates which will be changed regularly during the approval process.

I have entered this into the VBA macros of this Excel spreadsheet:

Public Function ModDate()
ModDate = Format(FileDateTime(ThisWorkbook.FullName), "m/d/yy h:mm ampm")
End Function

I have then entered the following into a cell on the worksheet:


The issue is that the cell which displays the modified date and time does not refresh when changes are made to the worksheet until it is saved. I know that saving it is necessary in order to have the correct modified date and time in the properties of the document, but is there any way to have the ModDate refreshed as soon as any changes are being made to the worksheet?

Thank you again, in advance, for all your help!