Hi all,

Self-taught Excel noob here. I've been trying to get something done that I just can't figure out how to even though I know it's simple but I'm still struggling a bit with VBA synthax and logic.

Say you have a spreadsheet with 3 columns A, B, C. A has strings, B has numbers and C has numbers too. So we'd have something like:

x 3 20
y 6 35
z 2 33

In my project, I'm looping through each cell in column C. What I want, is that when a number in C is, for instance >= 30, it goes and searches for the String in the same row in column A. I then want to use that string to put in an e-mail title.

There's no need to display the entire code so I'll just put the part that errors each time. I've tried loads of things (Offset etc.) but no go:

For Each Cell In Range("C2:C4").Cells
    If Cell.Value >= 25 Then
            strSubject = "The string " & Range("A$", nextcell3).Value & " is here yay!"
I don't know if it's explicit enough but the code is pretty straight forward, how do I get the string in column A when the value of Column C is >= 25?

Any help appreciated!