Running into an issue.

3 Tabs - Invoice - Print - Data

Data Tab is a sheet filled with information regarding properties. Address, order numbers, dates, prices, etc.

Invoice tab from A1:F40 is a form. Off to the right, buttons and formulas are used to populate the Form depending on which row is selected (matching columns of data with their respective form cells)

Point of the workbook

There is a button on the invoice tab which when clicked will fill the form with the data that is user defined. If the user puts the range from 1-5 it will fill the form with each set of data - Rows 1 - 5.
The point is to copy the form at each interval between the data rows. Ex. Push Button, Fill form with Row 1 Data - Copy Form - Paste form into Print Tab - Page Break - Return to Invoice Tab Fill form with Row 2 Data - Copy Form - Paste form under previous form in Print Tab - Page Break - Return to Invoice Tab - Rinse and Repeat for each Row of data the user defines.

The issue that I am having currently is that in the VBA the code is printing the correct number of forms (if user selects 9 it will paste 9 forms one under the other), however it is only pasting the form with the data from the LAST Rows data, creating 9 copies of the same form, instead of 1 copy for each Row of data.

This is the code being used, and after attempting to combine different ideas from different places, I'm running out of steam on the situation. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Sub CopyPaste()
    Dim StartRow As Integer
    Dim EndRow As Integer
    Dim Msg As String
    Dim i As Integer
    StartRow = Range("StartRow")
    EndRow = Range("EndRow")
    If StartRow > EndRow Then
        Msg = "ERROR" & vbCrLf & "The starting invoice must be less than the ending invoice!"
        MsgBox Msg, vbCritical, APPNAME
    End If
    For i = StartRow To EndRow
        Range("RowIndex") = i
        Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
        Application.CutCopyMode = False
    Next i
End Sub