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Change a combobox (activex control) based on another cell?

  1. #1
    Forum Contributor
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    Change a combobox (activex control) based on another cell?


    Is it possibel to change a comboxbox within a dashboard based on another cell?, i have managed to do this, by using the source as =CELL but then because the combobox has a link cell, it gives me incorrect data.

    For example, im using Calendar months, Jan, Feb, Mar, Etc and if i choose Oct form the combobox the link cell will say 10, but if i change the source to =CELL where CELL = Oct, my link cell changes to 1 and my combobox list dissapears....

    What i want is to be able to possibly create somekind of macro that allows the combox to change to match the cell input, but also allows the user to be able to choose from a list....

    Basically i have a dashboard which for department meetings is ideal to have one cell to change all the graphs, tables, data. to that specific period, but if they want to change say only 1 graph to Sep then this is possible too... i cant seem to figure how this could be done?

    Any help would be very helpful please


  2. #2
    Forum Guru Norie's Avatar
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    Re: Change a combobox (activex control) based on another cell?


    What exactly do you want to change?

    The values listed in the combobox? The value in the linked cell?
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  3. #3
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    Re: Change a combobox (activex control) based on another cell?

    The value in the combobox, if i put Oct into cell A2 for example then i want the combobox to say Oct, and the linked cell to say 10, but i still want the user to be able to then go into the combo box and select Jan, Feb or another....

    If this is impossible il have to redesign the sheet id just rather not as it has taken 2 months to get to a stage and now one of the directors wants to be able to only use one box to choose a month rather than have to change every drop down, or combo box to what they want.

  4. #4
    Forum Guru Norie's Avatar
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    Re: Change a combobox (activex control) based on another cell?

    How is the value selected in the combobox being used?

  5. #5
    Forum Contributor
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    Re: Change a combobox (activex control) based on another cell?

    Its being used to show data for that month, so the user chooses "OCT" then the link cell displays 10, then the formulas (mostly if and sumif) look at that cell to determine what months data should be shown.....

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