
I'm looking to do an IF loop with INDIRECT. That way I can use only one loop for all my conditions. I want to do something like this:

Range("CR22").FormulaR1C1 = "=MATCH(R[-3]C[2],INDIRECT(DriveN_RPM),FALSE)"
DriveN_Row = Range("CR22")
DriveN_Row_End = DriveN_Row + 25
cible = 98

For i = DriveN_Row To DriveN_Row_End
    If INDIRECT(CR23& i ) = Range("CT19") Then      'CR23 equals Sheet2!J (so the sheet and the column) and i would give me the row
        Cells(22, cible) = Sheets(INDIRECT(PAGE).Cells(i, "K").Value    
        cible = cible + 2
    End If
Next i