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Copy Column(s) based on another column dynamicly without blanks

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Excel 2013

    Copy Column(s) based on another column dynamicly without blanks

    Hello everyone,

    I hope I am posting in the correct place, but I am guessing that what I need needs VBA ( i am just starting with VBA btw)

    So my problem is this:
    I have a column that generates QuotationCodes ( so all cells contain a formula).lets say its column A.
    columns B, C have other data like customer, and issue date etc.
    Column D is OrderConfirmation and the user fills it in ( the date) only when the quotation is confirmed.

    What I need is to copy (in another worksheet) a list of column A (QuoatationCodes) '(and other columns, but if I know how to do it for 1 column I suppose I will be able to do it for the rest as well)
    only if it gets a confirmation date in column D. ' (basicaly generate an order list where i generate uniquencodes- what i have now is a list of orders with blank rows for the quotations that have not been confirmed)
    I need this to refresh automatically/ dynamicaly. either on new data entry ( In column D) or by a control button ...
    note that column A will be ever expanding and data entry is on a daily basis.

    Thank you in advance,


  2. #2
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    Re: Copy Column(s) based on another column dynamicly without blanks

    Hi John,

    Can you attach a sample spreadsheet?

  3. #3
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    Re: Copy Column(s) based on another column dynamicly without blanks

    Sure, but its in Greek -.-.

    I added some comments - the two sheets that concern us are the two first. If you need me to translate the whole thing pls say so.
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  4. #4
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    Re: Copy Column(s) based on another column dynamicly without blanks

    Also note that I dont care where I copy. It can be a new spreadsheet that will be probably become a pivot table.

  5. #5
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    Re: Copy Column(s) based on another column dynamicly without blanks

    Bump-can anyone help pls?

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