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Macro to paste special from excel to word template

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    Red face Macro to paste special from excel to word template

    Dear All

    I am looking for some help in moving data from a spreadsheet to a word template. I have hunted through the net and not really found what I need and hope you guys will be able to help. I know mail merge seems like it might be able to do what I need but I just cant work out how to get it to do it exactly and automatically.

    Effectively what happens is when a new job comes in, it is logged on a spreadsheet. What I want to do, is when we log it on the spreadsheet, I want to be able to then automatically open an instance of the word template we also use to track details on each job and paste over some of the data we have added into the spreadsheet. I need this data to be linked as there are changes made to the spreadsheet (such as date changes etc) and I want them to be changed on the corresponding word document. I have got the macro which opens the template and have added bookmarks to the word template where I need the excel data to go but just cant work out how to get it there. I only want the current row being populated in excel to be added to a new word document, so as each new row is added in excel, a new document is created and populated with the relevant data. I know I could just copy and paste special etc to do this, but there will be others using this who wont know how to do this and I really would want it automated so all they have to do is log the data in excel and then to be presented with a word document already filled, for their continued use. I have attached the sample spreadsheet with the macro to open a new instance of the template but I have not been able to upload the template word doc but have uploaded a .doc doc which shows what the word template has in it and where the data would need to go. Any and all help would be so much appreciated. Thank you.
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