I have a problem with file I created and now trying to use on different computer. There is windows involved and I understand that is not only vba code but mayby someone had this problem and knows how to deal with it.

I had done database in excel using vba. during use it create and uses textfiles located in the same directory as xml and subdirectories. I have win 7 and office 2013
When I moved this file to winXP office 2007 for operation I wanted to prevent users from deleting this database, its folder and subfolders with textfiles.

I am now getting some trouble. I managed to set security to prevent deleting but I am getting .tmp files created by excel in directory of xml.
This are created automatic (On each save operation). I did not have this problem on my computer.
In the heather of temp file there is something about Microsoft high encrytpion.

How to stop this temp files from creation.
