Hi all,
I want to incorporate message box at the beginning of a long code.

Message box has 'YES' and 'NO'

If answer is yes then it should continue with further routine.

If answer is NO then :
1. It should get message box ' Go to sheet2'
when pressed OK then sub is exited
2. and sheet2 activates

This is repeated until the answer is YES.
Sub Msgbox_Yes_No()
      Dim Response As Integer
      Response = MsgBox(prompt:="Have you done Defib Checks First?'.", Buttons:=vbYesNo)
     If Response = vbYes Then
      MsgBox " Thanks"
       ' I need help here 
MsgBox " Go to Sheet2"
This workbook.Sheets ("Sheet2").activate
This workbook.Sheets ("Sheet2").visible     

 Loop While Answer = vbYes
End If

   End Sub
Any help please

kind regards