
I'm programming a inventory/sales report on excel and I just have a problem in the last step, which would be inserting informations with the excel minimized.
On my percepetion, which might not be complete, there's some issues concerning to this question, which are.

First: How can I programm a VBA that will take in mind only numbers added by the barcode scanner?
One problem that concerns me is the fact of the saler using the computer for another purposes and will, therefore, use the numeric keys for another purpose rather than just using it for scanning.

Second: The keylogger would need, necessarily, to follow what the barcode scanner does, since it needs to jump to another cell.
One possibility would be limiting the number of digits in each cell, nevertheless, it might not be a good way out, since it could have some previous characters typed.

P.S.: Perhaps I have employed a not very accurate English due to the fact that I don't have it as a mother language. Any doubts regarding to the understanding, you should ask me and I'll make an effort to be more accurate.

Thanks since now,