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Can excel be used to mirror a data table on a seperate page based on category

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    Can excel be used to mirror a data table on a seperate page based on category

    I've signed on board for a project that seems to be over my head. I'm trying to create a form similar to the word document I've attached. I would like Sheet 1 to look as it does in this word document, and the other various sheets to autofill based on the information entered under chain of title. For example, if the type of document entered (or selected from a drop down menu) is Mortgage, I would like to be able to have that particular table of info describing that document fill onto, say, page 3 titled "Encumbrances" while remaining on the first page in chronological order with all other documents.

    Did that make sense? I've researched like crazy, but I'm not really sure what exactly I'm even looking for. I know that it would be really great if I could use a Userform to fill in the information listed, but so far I've only been able to figure out how to use userform to populate columned info, not tables.

    Is Excel even the right app to do this with? If someone could point me in the right direction that would be wonderful! If my description needs more explaining just let me know and I'll give it another stab.

    In advanced I'd like to say thank you all so much!

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