Hello All,

I have a master workbook with about 8 different reports. On the Input worksheet there is an option for which sheet you would like to export. The checkmarks are then linked slightly below on the Input worksheet in cells I29 to I38 is the output of those checkmarks. How do I get my macro to export only the worksheets that have a checkmark?

Here is what I have tried. A really long nested IF function that checks IF I29 (BS_Entity) is checked, then export to a new workbook. That new workbook is then DIMed and labeled as NewEPwb, while the current workbook is called EPwb. The problem is it gets very messy with 8 nested IF functions, because then you have to worry about IF true & If false 8 times. 2 powered to the 8 equals 256 possible scenarios lol I imagine there is a much easier way to do this then to write my code 256 times.. Below you will find my code. Note I only am in the testing stages and have done it for about 4 worksheets, still need to add the rest.

Thank you!



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