Sorry if it is a bit obscure. I'm pretty good and VBA and Excel but I am a bit stumped as to best practice on the following problem. I wondered if any of my wonderful friends could lend a hand.
I am building some upgraded dashboards. My old ones are pretty fast even at a 50mb file size.
I have used helper rows for set time periods and other true false static data. I then use =Sumifs(Total,Range1,True) for example.
There is a VBA macro that pulls everything in and assigns the static true false data to the columns needed.
What I want to know is what is faster or best practice for these helper columns.
Should I go with 0 for false and 1 for true.
I have a range and a variant array to pop them in then run conditional IF or other code and then deposit the result back in the sheet so I can make pretty charts and graphs.
Or is it better to go with
Or is it better to go with
There is then code to paste the array into the cell. i.e. rng = Arr
Any ideas as to what would speed up the formulas best?
Thanks in advance if anyone knows.