I'm trying to build a macro based on a button that once pressed, will use concatenation of two drop lists, the combination of which will be the name of a static range on another sheet in the same file. I then need that range to be shown on the sheet with the button. If the user presses the button again, it will delete the range being shown, but not the source range on the other sheet, and retrieve the next range based again on the new concatenation of the 2 drop downs.


Sheet 1 has the two drop lists (already populated) & and the push button to start macro
Area to display named range is named "DisplayRange"
All tables/ranges are the same size, but that size may change in the future depending on certain data being added - All named ranges will be the same size
Sheet two has all the named ranges, but there is no rhyme or reason as to where that range is relative to it's name

Example of drop down lists:
1. Consulting/Research
2. Global/NA/Japan/EMEA

If user chooses ConsultingGlobal, macro will display ConsultingGlobal range from Sheet2

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you!