I have been trying some macro coding to fix this myself, but it seems to be way to advanced for me. Below are the explanation of my workbook aswell as my requirements.

There are three sheets in the workbook. Add_New (Sheet shown above), List and template
1 Name
2 Number
3 Table
4 Kolumn CommandButton
2 (Dynamic table)
Template (has two sections)
Section 1
1 Name
2 Number
3 Table
4 Kolumn
Section 2
1 Month Wage Tax Social fee
2 Jan
3 Feb
(continued till last month)

When commandbutton in Add_New sheet is pressed the following should happen

Value B1 in Add_New sheet should be added to first empty cell in A column in List sheet.
Template should be copied with sheetname as the value of B1 in the Add_New sheet.
In the newly copied template the following values from the Add_new sheet should be copied
Add_New New template
B1 -> B1
B2 -> B2
B3 -> B3
B4 -> B4

The B and C columns in the List sheet have these codes (you can ignore Table24[Tabellnr])
B column: =MATCH(sheet!B3,Table24[Tabellnr],0)
C column: =COUNTIF(Table24[Tabellnr],sheet!B3)
When a new name is added to the list (after clicking commandbutton) the codes should be copied to that row.
The codes in B and C for that particular row should be altered so sheet! equals template copy sheetname.

Under K column in Template sheet, the code is
Januari: =VLOOKUP(K2,OFFSET(INDEX(Table24[Inkomst fr.o.m.],1),List!B1,0,List!C1,8),2+D3,TRUE), for februari its K3, march K4 and so on.
The List!B1 and List!C1 should be automatically change to relevant row in the List sheet. For example if the newly added user is on row 3, code should be changed to List!B3 and List!C3

Thanks in Advance!