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Emulate Excel 97 getopenfilename "Advanced" find including "Search subfolders"

  1. #1
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    Emulate Excel 97 getopenfilename "Advanced" find including "Search subfolders"

    VBA Excel 97 getopenfilename included an "Advanced" button that invokes a subdialog enabling specification of additional filters and search/find in subfolders. How do I duplicate this functionality in Excel VBA 2010? I have exhausted my ability to hack into it via Google searches. I haven't found a solution, short of starting from zero and building my own getopenfilename dialog... At present, I don't need the full functionality of the Excel 97 dialog, but need the "Search subfolders" option I Excel 2010. I've gotten around it until now by retaining Excel 97 on my machine, but company security rules no longer permit... Anybody have an idea about why this functionality went away??? Any hints will be much appreciated. Holler if you need some screen dumps illustrating the '97 functionality.
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    Last edited by FORTRANguru; 03-05-2014 at 08:57 PM. Reason: add illustration

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    re: Emulate Excel 97 getopenfilename "Advanced" find including "Search subfolders"

    Hello FORTRANguru,

    If you were to provide some specific examples of the functionality you need to emulate then we could offer some realistic solutions.
    Leith Ross

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  3. #3
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    re: Emulate Excel 97 getopenfilename "Advanced" find including "Search subfolders"

    I solved my own problem. I didn't realize I could use the search function in the upper right corner of the open dialog in conjunction with getopenfilename. Duh...

  4. #4
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    re: Emulate Excel 97 getopenfilename "Advanced" find including "Search subfolders"

    Hello FORTRANguru,

    Sometimes the obvious isn't. I have been there a few times. Thanks for posting back with the solution.

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