Hello All,

When I run this particular script with small values on one side of the equation it normally takes a lot longer to process than usual seeing as the right side of the equation has a 5th power in it. I recently switched from Excel 2007 where I codes this to Excel 2010 on my new computer, so if there is something hindering it with that change please let me know. The problem I am getting is that Excel stalls when I have a small value on the left and I get a "Run-time error 1004. Method 'Range' of object '_Worksheet' failed" error. I am assuming that reporting the values after every iteration the way it does is the culprit behind this, or just the sheer computing power. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Sub Compute()
    Dim d_computed As Double
    Dim d_actual As Double
    Dim d_pipesize As Double
    Dim eqn_rhs As Double
    Dim f_factor As Double
    Dim idx As Integer
    precision = 0.001       'find d within 0.1%
    e_rough = 0.00015    'ft - commercial steel piping roughness assumed
    L = Worksheets("Calculator").Cells(3, 2)
    Cr = Worksheets("Calculator").Range("B4")
    Po = Worksheets("Calculator").Range("B6")           'defining variable taken from sheet
    P2 = Worksheets("Calculator").Range("B7")
    d_computed = Worksheets("Calculator").Cells(11, 2)
    sch = Worksheets("Calculator").Range("B12")
    If sch <> 40 And sch <> 80 Then
        MsgBox ("Please enter either 40 or 80 for desired pipe schedule")
        Exit Sub
    End If
        'friction factor calculation
        f_factor = 1 / (-2 * Application.WorksheetFunction.Log(12 * e_rough / d_computed / 3.7)) ^ 2
        eqn_rhs = 0.214 * d_computed ^ 5 * (Po ^ 2 - P2 ^ 2) / (f_factor * Cr ^ 2) - d_computed * Log(Po / P2) / (6 * f_factor) 'right hand side of the equation
        'unacceptable result adjustment to the (1/5)th power
        If (Abs(L / eqn_rhs) <= (1 - precision) Or Abs(L / eqn_rhs) >= (1 + precision)) Then 'if the fraction of length over result is outside precision...
            d_computed = d_computed * Abs(L / eqn_rhs) ^ (1 / 5) 'adjust first iteration
            Worksheets("Calculator").Cells(19, 2) = Abs(d_computed) 'once the result passes the requirements place value on the sheet
            Exit Do
        End If
It seems to be choking on this line of code:
Worksheets("Calculator").Cells(19, 2) = Abs(d_computed)
Thank you all again for your help!
