Someone Please help me to fix this error. everytime i run my code its come up with this error (Run-time error '1004': Application-define or object define error), and its always highlight line #9 (Sheets.Add.Name = rcell.Value) on my code. My working files in on excel 2007 and its contain 87150 rows and 17 columns (A-Q)... Please view my code below.

Sub sumup()
Dim rcell As Range
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim i As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = 0
Set ws = Sheets("Sheet1")
For Each rcell In Range("A2:A" & Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(3)(1).Row)
    If rcell.Value <> rcell.Offset(-1).Value Then
        Sheets.Add.Name = rcell.Value
        ActiveSheet.Rows(1).Value = ws.Rows(1).Value
    End If
Next rcell
For i = 2 To Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(3)(1).Row
    Range("A" & i).EntireRow.Copy Sheets(Cells(i, 1).Text).Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(3)(2)
Next i
Set ws = Nothing

For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    If ws.Name <> "Sheet1" Then
            Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(3)(2) = "TOTAL"
            Range(Cells(Rows.Count, 1), Cells(Rows.Count, 3)).End(3)(2).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
            With Range("E" & Rows.Count).End(3)(2)
                .Formula = "=SUM(E2:E" & Range("E" & Rows.Count).End(3)(1).Row & ")"
                .Copy .Offset(, 1).Resize(, 4)
            End With
    End If
    Columns("A:Q").ColumnWidth = 10.5
Next ws
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Thank You