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email row contents based on cell values (google sheets populated by google forms)

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    email row contents based on cell values (google sheets populated by google forms)

    Hi all,

    My coding skills are minimum at best (especially for google docs), and though I've found solutions to bits and pieces, I cannot fit them together to suit my needs. We are using Google Forms by way of inventory control. Staff fill out the online form when removing/replacing inventory from stock. Google Sheets tracks the info and I have set up another worksheet within that workbook to maintain the current inventory, referencing the tracking sheet.
    What I need help with is this:
    Look at column 'G' on the sheet 'Inventory List'
    Find rows that have a value greater than 1
    Populate and send an email to Inventory Control with the information from column A, B, C and G for all rows that have a value greater than 0
    Any help would be greatly appreciated! I have attached the workbook in question in order to remove personal information.
    Thank you very much.
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