I have sample spreadsheets which would make this very easy for you to solve but Excel Forum won't let me post any links yet.
I need help with ONE FORMULA or ONE SMALL SIMPLE SCRIPT in Google Sheets to solve this spreadsheet problem.
I have a master spreadsheet with all my formulas in a row.
I want to have many slave spreadsheets pulling the formulas in via IMPORTRANGE.
So if I need to change a formula I can change it only in the master and it will propagate.
Problem is IMPORTRANGE only imports values. not formulas.
I can import the formulas as text strings without the equal sign from the master to the slave. So now I have a row of all the text of the formulas, but I can't seem to reference those cells to then build the formulas and have Google Sheets recognize them as formulas instead of text strings.
I tried to combine equal sign and the cell with the formula text:
="="&[cell reference with formula as text only without an equal sign]
the result is the correct text:
=[my formula]
but Google Sheets does not recognize it AS a formula. It is just showing it as text!
How can I have a master sheet of formulas to be used in many slave sheets through importrange? Can I do it without a script?
And, can a moderator allow me to post some links to my Google Sheets so people can help me? It's very important for me to solve this ASAP for work.
I read on a forum that:
"It's possible to do this with Google Apps Script. Use the getFormula / setFormula for single formulas and getFormulas / setFormulas for formulas in a range."